History Resources For Homeschoolers

History doesn’t have to be boring, in fact it can be a lot of fun.  Our favorite way to learn history around here is by reading fascinating books, and watching fantastic documentaries, but that’s not all! It’s not just about learning names, dates and events, but about understanding life from a perspective of another culture, another time frame, a different mind set. Broadening our perspective with every book, every documentary and every field trip. Talking to people.  Listening to stories, and loving every minute of it.

Here is a list of our favorite history resources for homeschoolers.

Historical Places To Visit Around NJ History Resources For Homeschoolers

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I also bought this book upon many recommendations of various homeschool groups, and found that for both my kids it did not work at all: A Little History That is not to say that it won’t work for you and your family.  The same thing applies to all the books I listed above. I wound up giving A Little History away to another homeschooling family, and they seemed to be happy with it.

History Resources For Homeschoolers HOMESCHOOL IN NJ HAPPENINGS FOR DECEMBER 2015 AND JANUARY 2016

TV Series and Documentaries:

Ok, so we are not big on watching things, but some of them are wonderful:

  • Globe TrekkerGlobe Trekker is probably one of our favorites. We usually catch it on PBS.  Love exploring the world with some of their journalists!
  • America: The Story of US (History Channel)
  • The World Wars (History Channel)

Usually we go by channel: History Channel, BBC, PBS, National Geographic, etc.

While documentaries aren’t our strong suit, we would love to hear from you! Just comment with the name of your favorites and where to watch them.


There are several great sites listed for Social Studies and History right HERE. Here is one that is worth a special mention: Big History Project. It is relatively new, and just looks so amazing! I can’t wait to explore it, and have high hopes!

Field Trips

Probably one of the most fun ways to learn history is by visiting the places where it happened, and talking to people that are passionate about it.

If you live in New Jersey area be sure to check out our list of Historical Places to visit in NJ Area!

We would love to hear about your favorite historical spots to visit in your state, or a favorite website, or a book you loved! Just leave a comment telling a bit about it!

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