NJ Community Colleges For Homeschoolers

Many people don’t realize how great their local community college can be.  When you are homeschooling a teenager, checking out the websites for your local community college, and for those around your area, are absolutely imperative.  Local NJ Community Colleges for homeschoolers are an amazing resource!

NJ Community Colleges For Homeschoolers

Many of them are open to homeschoolers, many take kids that are younger.  Some allow you to take classes, both core and electives, to get a jump start on getting your degree.  Even for the youngest of homeschoolers, there are often summer programs, enrichment classes and more being offered there.  It can be a fantastic and enriching experience!

Below are just a few examples.

For example, Union County Community College Youth Program offers summer classes for kids every year.  The classes range from something as silly as making things out of duct tape, to computer programming and finance.  This year our kids took several classes there and really enjoyed it.  They also have a lot of other certification classes and continuing education options for both kids and adults.

Raritan Valley Community College offers it’s students an opportunity to jump start their college career by taking credit courses.  A high school student can take a variety of classes, ranging from art to mathematics and earn college credit.  How amazing is that?! Ocean County Community College also has a Jump Start Program for high-school students.

Another great example is Burlington Community College.  It is very friendly toward homeschoolers.  From their website: “Students who are home schooled can take an advantage of Rowan College at Burlington county’s courses and programs while still completing or as part of their homeschool curriculum. It is easy for a homeschool student to apply and enroll at RCBC!”  You can find more information about enrolling in Burlington Community college as a homeschooled student  here.

***Disclaimer: Please know that TheHappyHomeschooler is NOT affiliated with any of the schools mentioned in this article.  We are NOT being reimbursed for anything said here.  All the opinions are ours alone and do not reflect the opinions of the colleges mentioned here. ***

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